Before that, I spent many years trying to find a way to lose weight and maintain my energy levels, but until Lite n' Easy I had been unsuccessful at finding a long-term solution that I was able to stick to.
To me, it doesn't even feel like I'm dieting as the meals are so tasty, nutritious and filling. I’m not compromising on anything, and the weight is just falling off. I can’t believe I am losing weight this way – I feel like I am cheating the system.
With renewed energy, I usually hit the gym a couple of times each week, doing weight sessions which are important for physiotherapy, as much as for weight loss. I am trying to keep what movement and muscle strength I have been able to rebuild, and also to maintain my mobility.
With my disability, I have struggled in the past to make nutritious meals from scratch, but the weekly delivery service and simplicity of meal preparation make Lite n' Easy the perfect option for me. I can instead focus my time and attention on living my life to the full.
I suffered a life-altering brain injury following a domestic violence attack 20 years ago. I was 16 at the time. The attack almost killed me, left me with severely restricted movement, a speech impairment and caused weight gain amongst other lifelong conditions.
Before my brain injury, I was a very slim and active young girl. I used to participate in all kinds of sports and swimming and was a regular winner at school events. I was even a record-breaking high jumper at my school for a year or two. I was very excited about my future.
Since the attack, my brain would often think like a 16-year-old and so I would crave the high-sugar, high-calorie foods I used to enjoy with no consequences as a child. However, because I was no longer burning it off, I gained weight very quickly and my energy levels dropped, causing fatigue and low motivation.
My self-esteem plummeted and no matter how much I spent on new clothes to try to look my best, my weight was the underlying issue stopping me from feeling my best.
That is all in the past now that I order Lite n’ Easy to help with my meals. It’s just an easy, affordable way to keep my weight and my health in check.
You’re in charge, so feel free to walk away from the table whenever you want.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.
Not happy in your first week? No worries, we’ll refund your first payment in full.